Have you made your will? If not, now is the perfect time

Here at the Memorial Society of BC, we are big fans of making plans. Your will is the plan for your loved ones after you die. If you don’t already have one, or need to update your existing will, see this CBC article about why it’s never been easier to do so in BC.

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Friday, January 7 contact information!

Please email admin@memorialsocietybc.org if you are trying to get in touch during our regular office hours (10 am to 4 pm) for anything other than the death of a member. In the event of the death of a member, always call 604-733-7705 for immediate assistance.

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We’re hiring an Executive Director!

We are looking for the right person to come join us as our part-time Executive Director. The Executive Director is MSBC’s organizational leader, responsible for ensuring that our operations are conducted openly, honestly, and in the best interests of our valued membership. For more information or to apply, read more or click here.

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