Talks & Tables at Vandusen Botanical Gardens – June 5th, 2019

Come join us for our annual visit to Vandusen Botanical Gardens and “Dialogue on Aging”. We will be in the Floral and BMO Halls from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on June 5th, 2019 pop by our booth and we be happy to chat and demonstrate how handy our All Ready t o Go Binder…

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The Baby Boomers Ageing Out – How To Get Ready

The BC Care Providers Association released a report recently entitled “Bedlam in BC’s Continuing Care Sector – May 2019. It is an important piece of the research that points squarely at the demand Baby Boomers will be placing on an already overrun system of care. From our perspective here at the Memorial Society we see…

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The Caregiver Expo in North Vancouver a Great Success!

Thanks to the organizers of the 4th Annual Caregivers Expo that took place at the Delbrook Recreation Centre this past weekend in North Vancouver, BC! We are pleased to announce that Kristi S and Ralf B were the two winners of our free Lifetime Membership Draw. Congratulations you two!! The Staff Team MSBC

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