Call to Support Greener Options for British Columbians

The Memorial Society of BC is calling on its members and the general public to urge the BC Government to legalize greener options for the disposition of human remains in British Columbia.

At this time, British Columbians only have the options of cremation and burial for the disposition of their bodies. Both forms have harmful impacts on our environment. Fortunately, greener technologies have emerged, but they are not yet available in British Columbia.  These include Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction – see below.

The Memorial Society strongly supports that residents of BC should have choice when it comes to disposition and access to eco-friendly technologies. As these technologies are already established in jurisdictions in Canada and the United States, there is little reason why they should not be available to British Columbians.

We are calling on the BC Government to amend the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act to legalize Alkaline Hydrolysis and Natural Organic Reduction. This Act falls under the responsibility of the Attorney General, the Honourable Niki Sharma.

Here’s how you can help!

If you believe that British Columbians should have access to these eco-friendlier methods of disposition, we ask you to:

  1. Send an email to Niki Sharma, the Attorney General with responsibility for the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act. Minister Sharma can be reached at
  2. CC your MLA (provincial member of legislative assembly). You can find your MLA and their email address at by entering your postal code.

If you can ask others in your household or community to send a similar email, that would be fantastic!

Background Information

 Alkaline Hydrolysis – aka Aqaumation

Alkaline Hydrolysis is an environmentally friendlier technology that, through the use of water, heat and an alkaline compound, accelerates the natural decomposition of human remains with negligible environmental harm. This technology, when regulated by the government, will provide a greener choice to the more toxic fire-cremation, the only option for those not choosing burial in BC.


Aquamation is currently available in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland-Labrador and the Northwest Territories, and in at least thirty (30) U.S. states. For more information on aquamation, click here.


Natural Organic Reduction (NOR) – aka Human Composting

This process uses large containers to hold human remains together with straw, wood chips, and other natural materials for about six to eight weeks. The composting process results in a soil material, with no toxic waste and negligible carbon footprint. The family can receive the soil, which is suitable for spreading in a garden, planting a special tree, or scattering in other meaningful locations such as a forest.


NOR is currently not available in Canada. But it is in 12 U.S. states, is being considered with bills in a further 13 states, and is rapidly gaining international interest. For more information on NOR, click here.


Thank You! We cannot do this without your help!