The Idea of Being All Ready to Go is the First Step

I was at the Zoomer Show this past weekend and met hundreds of people who took the time to stop by the Memorial Society of BC booth for a visit. Many said they loved the idea of our All Ready to Go Binder and that they would get right on it. And yes some may do just that. Statistics though, suggest many more will not. Over 80% of us are not at all prepared for life’s end.

There is the idea of being ready and I do understand that can be a comforting though, almost like thinking about it is doing something about it. Well I have news for y’all, they are two very different things! Where the rubber hits the road is in the actual, physical doing something to get all ready to go. Buying the kit, purchasing a binder for it to live in. Actually getting the paperwork started and perhaps filing a copy of your will in the binder will make the end of your life much more real.  It is this very sense of reality that oftentimes stops people ‘dead in their tracks’ from actually getting all ready to go.

Take a deep breath, order your All Ready to Go Kit and begin.

It is indeed a generous and loving gift you can give to your family and friends.